"You can be who you ever want to be" says the 26 year old Chifundo Kamgundu. as she claim the secret lies within oneself.To many girls in Malawi your dreams and aspirations seem unreachable beacuse you never believe in yourselves. Chifundo Kamgundu is one beautiful young Woman who refused to watch her dream die.Having gone through various primary schools within the nation,she ended up at Ludzi Girls' Secondary school where she worked hard to be an accountant, a profession that was highly pursued by men in those days.She never saw her every step failing to reach the corridors of the University of Malawi ,specifically the Polytechnique and learn the accounting language.The path was never easy, but with hard work and determination,she managed to complete her four years and is now one of the few inspiring young accountants at DELOITE.To chifundo every girl can be the best they dream of being,all that is needed is to "Think the unthinkable, imagine the unimaginable; go where there is no path and leave your own trail marks.You live in a world with limitless boundaries & great possibilities; the only standing block to your dream place is your mind. Explore that and be unstoppable.Education never ends, it's a series of lessons uncovered every single day."Whatever you do, know this,  God will always be the architect of your life, He will never leave you nor forsake you. For very tear you drop He sees. He does exceedingly, abundantly what you ask, think or imagine of Him.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11: "But we must be careful how we build, because Jesus Christ is the only foundation."


NB: This profile is shared for motivational purposes,Feel free to share it with young women you know who are still not aware of their potential. If you are looking for mentorship or more details contact the owner of the blog (Maggie B.B. Phiri  through email : alibewawo@gmail.com) #girlsmuststayinschoolsuporttheireducation#

Photo Credit: AMARU Photography in support of girls education visit www.amaruphotos.com