Saturday, August 1, 2015

The power of a shared dream

One of the Network members on the way to the site
It was just an idea; it looked like a picture that was partially painted, the president carried it through. “ May be we are too young to do it? Perhaps we do not have the financial muscle to carry through? Well, these were some of the fears that Chimwemwe Manyozo the World Bank Youth Network Malawi president struggled to fight after being consulted by a few members of the network to take a step into agriculture. The ideas kept growing and ambitions kept rising. It was then shared, every member of the network was down for it. It was a selling idea. More like a hot cake. We admired the energy and vibe in our youthful generation of Malawi and yet pity the unemployment rate amongst them. We then took time to imagine the partial picture being our nation Malawi. A nation that is agro-based yet remains one of the poorest and hungry nations around the globe. Is there a way we can make a difference in Malawi as young people? is there a way we can work on this partial painting?
Well, Malawi is a beautiful country whose beauty is well known through the bountiful fresh waters of Lake Malawi, It is said that 20 % of Malawi is made up of water. All over the world, the admiration of our water bodies bring pride to every Malawian. Much as we find pride in these water bodies, little has been done to make investments out of it. As a nation, Malawi is heavily reliant on agriculture though its production is limited due to so many factors, which include over reliance on rainfall. Most farmers in Malawi are seasonal farmers who are often unable to produce beyond consumption. 

Members of the network  working at the agricultural site

 Following the current trends of floods and dry spells in some parts of Malawi this year, Malawi was declared a state of emergency. It cannot be denied that the experience has inflicted some fears of food insecurity to many families and individuals. It is with no doubt that some are already fighting the bouts of hunger due to this experience.
Realizing the importance of agriculture not only as a foreign currency earner but also as a tool to a food secure nation, a solution to youth unemployment as well as a key to development, World Bank youth Network Malawi decided to create a platform for agricultural growth in an effort to empower young people to take charge of the present and the future they want and envision. 

As a group of young people, the network is really diversified in terms of skills and expertise shared amongst its members. To begin with, the network identified the available resources within and outside its realms and how best it could use the available human resource to build a solid foundation on empowering the youths who make the majority of the population and yet stay idle in their homes due to limited job opportunities.
The network decided to take a step and venture into all-year agriculture. All-year agriculture?? This may be the question lingering in somebody’s mind. Well, the answer is yes, the network is into agriculture that is not seasonal and rain reliant, the network decided to make the 20% water coverage of Malawi count by diversifying the seasonal rain-fed farming to irrigation farming. “we are looking into giving youths employment through agriculture and make their expertise compliment agricultural development,” said Gloria Masula who is one of the members leading the project. To add on, another co-lead member Chikondano said that “we are to make full use of the available resources, talk of land that awaits rain to be cultivated when there is plenty of water to facilitate production all year round. Aint that a reason enough for us to take a step?”
The project is in its initial phase and is more likely to grow multiple crops for income generation. It aims at diversifying the crop portfolio to go beyond maize and consumption.
“There are several factors contributing to agro-production, as the World Bank Youth Network Malawi, we see untapped human resource In our youths and we plan on advancing these skills to build the capacity of other youths from the already existing expertise within the network so that together we can venture into agro-technologies that will change the face of agriculture in Malawi and beyond.” Says  Maggie Phiri another co-lead of the project.

As of 1st August 2015,The network launched the beginning of their initinitiative with land surveying and land clearing with the generous support of the Social Initiative for community Empowerment (CISE).

NB: This is a youth led initiative, it is being co-led by Agricultural experts who are members of the network with support from all network members and other well wishers. It is a shared dream and vision of over 45 members of the network and we believe to attain this dream in the near future, If there is a way you feel you can support this initiative or you would like to learn a few things from us contact World Bank Youth Network Malawi or simply email the blog owner ( and you will be directed to the right channels

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