Saturday, September 19, 2015

A small package with big contents

The journey was unclear from the start
It is often said that Big things come in small packages. This phrase has been such a confusing one to many.Regardless of the confusion,there is something that the Life of Tendai Katsonga can help us understand the phrase. Tendai Laura Katsonga Munemo  is a vibrant 23 years old  young woman based in Lilongwe. She happens to be the only child of her parents. To those that have met Tendai, she is one fine woman with a golden smile. A smile that will motivate you to get talking to her. Well, there is more to Tendai than just a smile. Tendai is an active and hard working young lady who never knew how much she could be untill she lived it. From a young age, Tendai did primary education in multiple schools. She ended up finishing her secondary ducation at Mary Mount Girls secondary school. A school that is well known to most Malawians.

She never thought of herself as an art student someday. She had alot of dreams for college. Perharps studying science or something more than language. To her surprise, The university of Malawi, Chancellor College enrolled her for a Bachelor of Arts Humanities. There began the unclear journey for Tendai who opted to major in english literature. Pretty sure limiting herself to become a secondary school teacher some day. She just never knew how much one could do with such a major in the Malawian context.

As time passed by, Tendai enjoyed her studies and almost forgot what the future could entell for her. she deeply got emmersed in the literature that she started living literature without knowing it. She began to take up leadership roles in college. She could handle anything from finances to editing through her involvement with Chancellor College Students Organisation (CSO) and Chanco Telescope Magazine  where she served as a treasure and an editor respectively. Later on she stood out as a Secretary for Students in Action (SIA) at the Chancellor College. To all these tasks, Tendai gave it her all. she had applied her literature skills without noticing as her focus was to make a difference and that is what kept her in the realms. Through working with SIA She managed to get 50  school drop out girls of Zomba back in schools.  

She noted a number of things around her that needed to change. She knew she could be the change. "But how can I really be of substance?" she thought on her own untill when she realised that to go a mile, you can always decide to start alone but to go miles, you need more buddies with you and that is when Tendai launched her journey alongside other passionate team members to mentor and groom young writters. It all started as a student group and she was the executive secretary. From there she co-chaired a Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition on Children Rights and that was the begining of her self identity. she got to realise how associated she was with development issues, she figured out how children rights mattered and that she could be more than just a writter, a mentor and a student.

Well, University days were over for Tendai. It was time to go and be in the industry. Still trying to figure out how she could apply her developmental passion, she entered as a Communication For Development Troupe Member for CRECCOM through Radio Acting for Education Development Centre under their Tikwere Program. Later she found an opportunity to serve the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) as Progammes Officer on Internship basis. While working at CCJP she contributed to the reduction of reported cases of Gender Based violence, through frequent and close monitoring of CCJP PEACE (Promotion of Equality and Access to Justice)Project. This internship exposed Tendai to a child abuse case. With her passion and commitment to protecting children's rights, She Successfully intervened in 13 cases of Child Abuse in Dedza District.

Tendai Continued to pursue her passion and she craved to understand the national and public approach on issues of gender and child rights.In her capacity she managed to secure an internship with the ministry of gender where she was involved in their Social Cash transfer programme. This internship led Tendai to her first professional position with Plan Malawi as a Community Development Coordinator responsible for the Child Protection program in the district of Kasungu . After which she was then moved to the position of Youth Led Advocacy Coordinator based in Lilongwe. 

Nothing should limit your passion- Tendai Katsonga
Currently, Tendai is working with Save the Children as a Youth in Action (YIA) Livelihoods Coordinator. Tendai is responsible for providing technical and advisory support to the projects in the Child Poverty thematic sector as well as to Humanitarian projects. Tendai’s immediate focus is the Youth In Action project– specifically the coordination of the implementation of the action phase. Asking her today if she ever thought she would be working on issues she value the most. She definately would say no " You know with my major in english literature, I was so much limiting myself, the sky seemed cloudy at times untill I discovered my passion and began living it even without noticing. Today the sky is clear and I always trust God to make a way to everyone over their passion regardless of their college major." Today there are so many of us young people limiting ourselves in a shell due to some other factors . Tendai sets a very good example that we can live beyond our college major. we can hold on to our passions, we can start the journey without a clear direction, find a sense of identity along the way. Unity is key and pursuits of discoveries is vital. " we are all packages small, but wraping big things!"

NB : This profile is shared for motivational purposes, feel free to use it to motivate young women and girls who you know are still not aware of their potential. If you are looking for mentorship or need more details please contact the blog owner ( young women achievers are also welcome to share their profiles and achievements:Are you one or do you know a young woman whose achievements and story will motivate and encourage girls to stay in school? send me an email and the story will be featured here.


  1. Amazing stuff! Young women can do much more and such stories of Tendai and others should be highlighted even more in our African societies, to motivate more young women and girls to pursue and go for their dreams. Sometimes, all that is needed is a role model, a simple life-changing story that will go all the way to impact generations. Thanks Chimwemwe John Paul Manyozo for sharing. We need more of this!

  2. Inspirational and motivating indeed.... Not only to girls actually
